‘Tude-torial #3

Saying here at Chick Lit Writers that “It’s all about the attitude” came with all new meaning for me in the past two days and here’s why…

Monday at around 2:30 pm Central Time my latest release hit #1 on two Amazon Bestseller Lists plus a #2 spot as well!!! Yesss!!! Yesterday, it also hit as the #1 Hot New Release for Amazon’s entire collection of writing books!!! (And the book has only been out since Friday 10/15!!!)

But here’s the thing…

If I hadn’t focused on my own attitude the nine years it’s taken me to get to this achievement – focused as in keeping my attitude positive plus dismissing the naysayers with Chick Lit-style sexy, sassy smart ‘tude – I’d never have made it to Publishing Oz.

Part of the reason I was able to achieve my Amazon Bestseller Goal was because not only has it always been “all about the attitude” to me, also, it’s always been “all about and in ‘the stars’” for me as well.

Here’s the scoop:

Several years ago I met the beyond fabulous writing instructor Margie Lawson of http://www.MargieLawson.com .  After taking several of her online classes as well as participating in two of her live workshops, I learned a fabulous tool for continuing to rein in and reign over my creative divas.

In her live workshops as well as in the Goody Rooms of all the conferences she attends, Margie gives away these fabulous, little colored stars with beyond wonderful motivational quotes printed on each one.

For the last couple years, I’ve collected these stars and have them all over my office.  Then, when I’m down, down deeper than the bottom rung on my next ladder to success, I hone-in on those puppies and often say the words aloud…almost in mantra form.

So to kick-off today’s ‘Tude-torial, I’m sharing a few of the stars and brilliant gems of wisdom Margie has given me to help me always continue reaching for both my personal and career aspirations.

In following my “stars” then…here’s the secret to my success…

I haven’t let myself get run over by the doubt demons simply because I’ve always kept moving on my career track.  And I’ve done that by adjusting my sails after every wind-packed storm of rejection.  I’ve done all the things and then some that I thought I couldn’t do.  I’ve tried again.  Failed again.  But failed better.  I’ve learned that easy reading is beyond, damn-hard writing.  But above all, as if I were my very own IRON MAN suiting-up for the next world-class battle, I’ve taken to heart that:

And just when I think I can’t go any further, I always fall back on this little gem:

“Reach for the Moon.  If you fall short you may land on a Star.” — Les Brown

And now we know that among the stars is indeed a fabulous place to be!

Sexy Sassy Smart Chick Lit “It’s All About the Attitude” & “It’s All in the Stars” Wishes — D. D. Scott

P.S.  Don’t forget too that we’d luuuvvv to hear your favorite Chick Lit Attitude Quotes and Anecdotes!  So leave ‘em for us in our Comments Section.  We just might feature your Attitudes in a future ‘Tude-torial post!!!

D. D. Scott is a romantic comedy debut author and a Writer’s Go-To-Gal for Muse Therapy, plus the #1 Amazon Bestselling Author of MUSE THERAPY: UNLEASHING YOUR INNER SYBIL.  You can get all the scoop on her, her books and her Muse Therapy Online Classes and Live Workshops at http://www.DDScott.com .

4 thoughts on “‘Tude-torial #3”

  1. Thanks sooo much for the sweet message, Melina!

    I’m thrilled to hear you’ve got a fabulous support system too!!!

    And you betchya I’m continuing the Happy Dancing for quite awhile…

    Sexy Sassy Smart Keep On Writing & Dancin’ Wishes — D. D. Scott

  2. Yay D.D.!

    I adore those stars, and your story is truly inspirational! Thanks for sharing.

    My mother and my uncle are writers (not of novels). They’ve been so supportive and have taught me discipline. So I know what you mean about your parents.

    Keep enjoying the celebration!

  3. Thanks bunches, Jeanne!

    I think it has a ton to do too with the fact I have fabulous parents!!!

    Luv u, Mom…and Dad too!!!

    Sexy Sassy Smart Reaching For The Stars Wishes — D. D. Scott

  4. Hi D.D., Great blog & great attitude! You must NEVER stop reaching for the stars & your special goals. As I was always taught, if at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again. Congrats’ on your reachable stars!!

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