To be me? Or not to be me?

That was the question.

~ By Jayne Ormerod

Picture this: A family dinner with my active-duty-military husband and twelve-year-old son, sitting on the back deck enjoying the gentle summer breeze. I’d prepared a meal of spicy shrimp scampi and Italian bread smothered with melted cheese, green onions and poppy seeds. After a glass (or three) of a spunky Pinot Grigio, I worked up enough courage to confess my lifelong secret. The conversation went something like this:

Me: “I want to be a writer.”

Them: “That’s great.”

Me: “Actually, I’ve been writing for a few years now.”

Them: Gentle murmurings of encouragement.

Me: “My first short story will be published next month.”

They offer a celebratory toast.

Husband: “What’s the story about?”

Me: “It’s a romance called ‘Three Little Words’.”

Silence. Stillness. Even the no-see-ums stopped humming.

Son: “You write porn?”

Husband: “It wouldn’t be good for my career to be married to someone who writes porn.”

Me: “For gawd’s sake, people. Romance is about two people falling in love, not what happens between the sheets.”

Husband: “Don’t embarrass me.”

Freaked-out son: “Will we be moving anytime soon? Maybe Andrew’s family can adopt me…”

I sipped my wine while they worked out how to disassociate themselves from me. It soon became apparent the best solution for all concerned would be for me to choose a nom de plume.

You’d think selecting a writing alias would be easy, one might even think fun. But it’s not like a ordering a Pajama-gram, where one size fits all, and only people closest to you are going to see you in it. A published name is going to be out there, in 48-point font (hopefully) above the title (one can dream). It’s a forever and ever, amen, brand. Oh, the pressure! It’s enough to send a teetotalist reaching for the Shiraz!

As a woman of the 21st century, I know when I have questions, Google has answers. I found a formula for coming up with a new name (okay, so it’s how to come up with your Porn Star name, but it should work just as well to come up with my porn writing—I mean romance writing—moniker). I got some inspiration from websites similar to Nu Bay mommy. Here’s how it works: you take the name of your childhood pet as a first name, and the street you lived on as a child for the last name. (Go ahead and try it out for yourself. I’ll wait….) This would make me Punchy Miles. Preeti Young has a better ring to it. Hmmm. that doesn’t invoke images of a voluptuous, tassel-spinning pole dancer, let alone a name that would look good on the top of the New York Times Bestseller list.

Time to hit the reference books. Digging the old four-inch thick White Pages (currently propping up a chair whose leg broke in a move) and my writer’s reference of The Very Best Baby Name Book, I thumbed through those tomes as if they were Godiva Chocolate catalogs, mixing, matching and melding different combinations of first and last names in search of the perfect pseudonym. I even practiced “autographs” to see which lent itself to my handwriting style. I worked on this for months, putting more thought and effort into it than I had to writing a full-length novel. But no combination had the right balance of “me” and “not me” I was looking for.

Then while romping in the leaves with my two pound puppies one day, I had an epiphany. My middle name, Jo, had been selected because it was the initials of my mother’s maiden name, Jayne Ormerod. She’d lost her life to pancreatic cancer 20 years ago, but I still felt her presence, especially when I wrote. It’s like JO is a secret code for me, and yet nobody would ever know. I finally had my nom de plume.

Except when “the call” came in about publishing my first book, I wanted the world to know. So now I tell everyone my pen name. And then I spell it for them, because it’s a rather unusual last name. And then I hand them business cards and ask them to tell their friends. And here I am blogging my secret to hundreds of strangers. But since my books are more mystery than romance–with nary a hint of the kind of pornographic content you’d see online at somewhere like–my family is happy. Might I even say, proud?

The only problem with revealing my secret identity is I’m currently noodle-ing around an idea for a cozy mystery involving Navy spouses, specifically Admiral’s wives. I will have to disassociate myself from my husband’s name if that ever comes to fruition. But when you see a bestseller by Punchy Miles on the shelf, you’ll know who wrote it. Just don’t tell anyone, please…it’ll be our little secret.

Sarah/Jayne has moved 18 times in 27 years in conjunction with her husband’s Naval career, so gave up her job as a CIA (that’s not a sexy spy job, but a Certified Internal Auditor) and turned to something more transportable, writing. Her first chicklit mystery, The Blond Leading the Blond, will be published by Avalon Books in the fall of 2011. The sequel, Blonde Luck, is a finalist in the 2010 Get Your Stiletto in the Door contest, ChickThrill category.

Visit her blog at

6 thoughts on “To be me? Or not to be me?”

  1. “It wouldn’t be good for my career to be married to someone who writes porn…”
    LOL! Is he sure about that? ;-P

    Even without the sensibilities of an adolescent son or a husband’s career to protect, I’ve always planned to use a pseudonym — I find it very liberating. “Cuddles Amsterdam” definitely sounds like a pole dancer, though, so I also resorted to family names.

    Thanks, Sarah/Jayne — great story about how (and why) you found your own pen name! 😀

  2. Beazy Morningside

    I’m heretofore assuming my pen name, brought to mind with your nifty formula. I like it much better than my own, and what agent/editor could resist peeking at the writing of someone named Beazy? Congratulations on your new series! I am going to become very familiar with “The Blondes”.

  3. Oh, what a fun story! Congrats on the book!

    So, my pen name would be “Puffy Stern” then – lol! Okay, so hubby is a writer so I don’t have that problem but I think I’m not going to tell the doctor or anybody else from now on. The doctor asks what I do and I say I’m a writer. Then he asks what I write. And I say romance novels. So then he wrinkles up his nose and says, “Oh, you write girly books.” As for everybody else, they usually say, “Oh, I’ve got some notes or an idea for a book.” Zipping my lips from now on, I think. 🙂

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