Apps With ‘Tude

~ By Melina Kantor

Ah, hello Friday! It’s about time you showed up.

Finally, it’s time for rest, relaxation, and writing.

We’ve been talking a lot about goals this month, so today I bring you a goal-setting app along with some inspiration from a very special author.

The Goals Keeper app lets you list multiple goals and shows a progress meter for each goal. What goals should you enter? Well, that’s up to you. Maybe you want to write a certain number or words per day, or write for a certain number of minutes per day, or revise a certain number of pages, or work on a query. Really, it’s up to you!

And now for that inspiration I promised, brought to you by the incredible Meg Cabot.



Melina writes contemporary women’s fiction with a pinch of oregano and a dash of chutzpah. By day, she is an elementary school computer teacher (hence the affinity for apps). You can visit her at

1 thought on “Apps With ‘Tude”

  1. thanks for posting that clip.
    She wisely omitted any mention of vicious contest judges (ha) and agents who never respond, etc. Which is prob. for the best.
    I think her (age 7) novel was pretty cool.

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