‘Tude-torial #16

By D.D. Scott

It’s Chick Lit Blog ‘Tude-torial time, and that means, finding the right Attitude to handle today’s publishing world.

Talk about struggling through your writing-for-publication career…

Take a look at these strips.

I’m thinking Snoopy sooo gets what writing in today’s publishing environment is all about.

Just as Snoopy couldn’t find the logic and reason behind publishers continuously dumping on him, neither do we have the answers for that all-too-common and growing-more-so phenomenon.

Thus, Snoopy resorted to taking back the power of his words and work via pulling his submissions and heckling the publishing establishment a bit.

Good for him that he did something to make himself and his muses feel better. Plus something to begin to take back control over his writing-for-publication career.

And boy-oh-boy, to survive, we as writers need Snoopy’s out-of-the-dog house remedies – or in the dog house, depending on how you look at it I suppose.

Beyond doing a Snoopy dance or diss, writers persevere by creating stories that persevere.

But they also persevere by Paying It Forward to other writers and sharing their Real Number and Real Experiences in new ways and on new sites like The WG2E – The Writer’s Guide to Epublishing – http://thewritersguidetoepublishing.com .

Just like here at The Chick Lit Writers blog where It’s All About the Attitude, it’s about Paying That Attitude Forward via writers helping writers find new publishing avenues.

By writers having the courage to post the facts of this new publishing environment, we’re each in a better place to re-define what that struggle means to our individual careers as well as our collective careers.

Then, and only then, can we formulate our own game plans to conquer our careers with plenty of attitude to boot.

That’s my kind of ‘Tude-torial…how ‘bout you?

Sexy Sassy Smart Chick Lit ‘Tude-torial Wishes — D. D. Scott

D. D. Scott is a romantic comedy debut author and a Writer’s Go-To-Gal for Muse Therapy, plus the #1 Amazon Bestselling Author of MUSE THERAPY: UNLEASHING YOUR INNER SYBIL.  You can get all the scoop on her, her books and her Muse Therapy Online Classes and Live Workshops athttp://www.DDScott.com.

2 thoughts on “‘Tude-torial #16”

  1. Thanks for stopping by, Jeanne!

    Charles Schulz “got” the publishing world…and it’s funny how he’s still right on, if not more so, in today’s wacky wild publishing industry climate!

  2. I love your “Snoopy” cartoon! It really does make you think one understands the publishing environment, at least to some extent.

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