This Week in Chick Lit

~ By Melina Kantor

Hi Everybody, and welcome to another weekend.

Anyone else exhausted and perhaps feeling like this?


Well, maybe it’s time for a break to hear about what’s happening in the world of chick lit.

Here you go!


This week, best-selling author Jennifer Weiner was a guest of honor at the Library Foundation’s “Book and Author Luncheon.” Not surprisingly, readers showed up with with stacks of books for her to sign and listen to her humorous speech about her love of reading and the importance of libraries.

In an interview regarding the event, Jennifer Weiner shared her thoughts on writing and what she thinks of the term “chick lit.”

Regardless of Jennifer Weiner’s opinion on the term “chick lit,” the fact that the Library Foundation invited a chick lit author to support their cause is definitely proof that the genre is alive and strong.

Speaking of the term “chick lit. . .”

An article in The Utne Reader describes the genre as, “You know, those ubiquitous novels with pastel-colored dust jackets bearing whimsically retro images of cocktail glasses, trendy purses, and spiky heels,” and goes on to claim that, “The genre is wildly successful — and that, oddly enough, is the problem.”

What “problem,” you ask? The term or the books themselves? Both. It seems some authors don’t want their work classified as chick lit. According to Jenny Colgan who’s quoted in the article, “‘Chick lit is a deliberately condescending term they use to rubbish us all. If they called it slut lit it couldn’t be more insulting.'”

But wait! Before you get angry, take comfort in this:

But today the genre stands as a lucrative niche in an otherwise struggling fiction industry. ‘The mega authors — John Grisham, Michael Crichton, Tom Clancy — all have had a fall-off in sales,’ Sessalee Hensley, fiction buyer for Barnes & Noble, told’s Heather Cabot (Aug. 30, 2003). ‘But the chick lit is growing, and growing exponentially.

Hmm. What do you think? Read the article, then leave a comment and let us know.

Writing Inspiration:

Tired of the debate over the term “chick lit?” No problem. This video, filmed by Barbara Vey of Publishers Weekly, explores the definition of “women’s fiction.”


Have a great weekend!

Melina writes contemporary women’s fiction with a pinch of oregano and a dash of chutzpah. By day, she is an elementary school computer teacher. You can visit her at

2 thoughts on “This Week in Chick Lit”

  1. Terrific round-up Melina! Love the kitty with writer’s block….;-)
    but also the interview with Jennifer Weiner and Lady Jane’s Salon.

    I used to consider the term chick-lit condescending…but then I came to embrace it….just around the time it started to be verboten. Always a little behind the curve…;-p

  2. Melina,
    Thanks! That was fun. I especially enjoyed my trip to Lady Jane’s Salon.

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