This Week in Chick Lit

~ By Melina Kantor    

Happy Friday, Chick Lit Fans.

We hope you’ve had a good, writing and / or reading filled week!

A while back, we mentioned that Esquire Magazine is coming out with a line of ebooks geared towards men. According to this article in The New Zealand Herald, the books are “plot driven and exciting.” Hmm. As opposed to, well, what exactly?

As the article states, in many ways these books are just a harmless gimmick. But this point is also made:

The thing is, “chick-lit”, or “Women’s Fiction”, only exists as a sub-genre because There. Is. A. Dominant. Genre. If books about women’s experience were the standard, the term wouldn’t exist.

What’s more, such descriptors are generally used in a pejorative way by the literary world, to demean certain women’s writing, pass it off as commercially viable but also intellectually crap.

What do you think?

In unrelated news, I also came across this blog post by Liza Palmer about making deadlines. She has some really good advice. If you have any tips to add, share it in the comments.

Have a great weekend, everyone.

Melina writes contemporary women’s fiction with a pinch of oregano and a dash of chutzpah. She loves to travel and enjoys turning her adventures into research and inspiration for her writing. This summer, she and her dog will be moving from Brooklyn to Jerusalem. You can visit her at

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