Where Do You Write?

marisa~ By Marisa Cleveland

I’m so excited to be blogging with the Contemporary Romance Writers! Over the years, I’ve learned so many valuable lessons from other writers, and it hasn’t always been about craft or the business side of the industry. I’m fascinated with where the magic happens! So I asked some writers to share with me where they write!

I’d love to see where you write, so if you have a blog post of pics of where your magic happens, please share!



Forensic crime writer, Jen J. Danna, commandeered the dining room as her office space so she can multitask with homework help and attempting to not burn dinner while wrestling with a plot bunny. Jen is the author of Dead, Without a Stone to Tell It.


Gifted and cursed with an overactive imagination, Cecy Robson is the author of the Urban Fantasy Romance Series,, Weird Girls.


Ashlyn Chase describes herself as an Almond Joy bar. Here’s her view while she’s writing from her hotel room in Zurich, Switzerland.


Best selling author, Carl Prude Jr., likes to write at a special spot on the patio of The Lake Club near his home. Free WiFi, the soothing lull of gentle waves, a refreshing breeze, and an occasional noisy turf squabble among ducks.


Here’s where the romantic suspense author Anna Hamilton conjures up heroes and heroines, murder and mayhem all while looking out at the golden hills of El Dorado…


Inspirational Amish Romance writer, Jennifer Beckstrand, writes at home on her trusty Apple in absolute silence while the kids are at school, and she tries to keep from falling asleep by eating herself into oblivion.


Tonya Kuper gets her most productive writing done on her laptop at her local Starbucks with ear buds in, away from noisy boys at home.

Here’s mine!


Contemporary romance writer Marisa Cleveland prefers to stand at her café table while writing, and she uses her treadmill desk to catch up on social media.

Your turn! Care to share? Post a pic of your writing space on Twitter, Facebook, or the link in the comments. I’ve love to take a look!

Thanks for stopping by!

Marisa loves to laugh, hates to cry, and does both often. As a writer, she writes. Every day. If she couldn’t express herself through writing, music, and dance, she would die. She loves to connect with other writers and readers through social media.

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Where does your magic happen? @marisacleveland would love to see your writing space! https://contemporaryromance.org/blog/ @rwacontemprom #amwriting

Share your writing space with @marisacleveland! She’s blogging at https://contemporaryromance.org/blog/ @rwacontemprom #amwriting



8 thoughts on “Where Do You Write?”

  1. I love seeing where everyone writes. I took over one of my bedrooms, a 10×12 foot area. I work from 2 computers…a desktop that I do email and social media stuff on and a laptop that I use when I’m killing people…or catching them. Unfortunately, it was too messy to show anyone…

  2. Thanks for having me!!! I love all the posts on this blog. 🙂
    Jeff, wow, sounds like you had your priorities straight holding out for a study with a door!
    Cecy, thanks so much for helping with this post. I love your writing area with the penguin.
    Melissa, thanks for commenting. 🙂
    JB, wow, great garage redo!

  3. I dare not show y’all my cluttered office space, but I’ll tell you what it looked like before I allowed it to get so desperate.
    When we built our house 6 years ago, I held out for relatively few things, but one was my own dedicated study. It’s about 8 X 12 I think. 8 filing cabinets, 2 tall book cases, 3 short ones, a desk (which is primarily a computer work station) with two compartments above, and a credenza with 4 drawers and 6 shelves.
    And here’s the KEY — I have a DOOR that I can SHUT … when/if the grandkids get too noisy.

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