Promotion, Part 2: Poking Holes at Pinterest?

Sherrie - Author - retouched~ By Sherri Hansen

* Read Part 1, Marketing The Old Fashioned Way, here. 

The general rule of social media is, do what you enjoy. I love Pinterest! I think of it as a big file cabinet with color-coded folders for fun things – except that I don’t have to dig through a bunch of papers when I want to go back and find what I need.

One fun way for authors to use Pinterest is to make a folder for each of your books and use them like a story board – pictures of people who look like your characters, links to the location where your story takes places, sites you’ve used for research, clothes of the period or style your characters would wear, basically whatever you want handy when you’re working on your book, and whatever gets you in the mood to write or helps you to visualize people and places important to the story. I’ve also tagged the style of font and photos I want to use on the cover.

On a personal note, I use Pinterest to pin things that I like – songs I want to learn so I can play them with my music group, ideas of things to make with my nieces and nephew, places I’ve traveled to or want to see one day when I’m rich, recipes to use in my tea house or at church events, garden and landscape ideas, and of course, my love of rainbows. If nobody ever sees them but me, that’s fine, because I like using it to organize the things that are important to me and to keep track of things I don’t want to forget about. If someone looks at my pin and thinks – I have a lot in common with this person, or hey, we like almost all the same things, or wow – this lady has great taste, and wants to give my books a try, that’s wonderful. And I have had that happen.

When you pin things, you can click a box to have them shared simultaneously on Twitter and or Facebook. The general rule for social media is to post 80% personal posts so that you are building relationships (which is what social media is all about), and no more than 20% business posts designed to promote yourself or your books. When it comes to sharing personal things or what’s going on in my head, or the bigger scope of my world, it’s a lot easier to quickly pin something than it is to stop and try to think of something clever to say about my day. Both are windows to your personality. Both are important… but it’s nice to have variety – and pictures for those of us who are visual learners and relaters. Please come and visit me at to see what I mean.

Do you use Pinterest? If so, please share your tips in the comments.

Twenty-three years ago, Sherrie rescued a dilapidated Victorian house from the bulldozer’s grips and turned it into a B&B and tea house, the Blue Belle Inn. Sherrie grew up on a farm in southern Minnesota and now lives in northern Iowa, in 2 different houses, 85 miles apart. Sherrie writes on the run whenever she’s not working – or trying to be a good pastor’s wife. Her contemporary romantic suspense novels include Night and Day, Love Notes, and Thistle Down, Wild Rose, Blue Belle, and Shy Violet, her Wildflowers of Scotland novels. You can see what’s she’s up to at: or



6 thoughts on “Promotion, Part 2: Poking Holes at Pinterest?”

  1. I love Pinterest! I have a board for every book I write because I need visual inspiration to tell the story. Those boards are really for me, but they come in handy when the readers want to “see” what my little town or character looks like. At least in my head.

    Once my book goes from WIP to about to be published, I make sure the cover of the book becomes the main image on the board. It’s a great way to turn a writing tool into a marketing source.

  2. Pinterest and Instagram are probably the two social media outlets I use the least. I’m a twitterbug and facebook kind of gal.

    I also use Scrivener which allows me to make storyboards within the novel, character sheets, etc, like a virtual binder. I can incorporate notes, clippings from the web, and pics.

    I only really go on Pinterest when I’m perusing something like tattoo styles or decor. I never thought about using it for my novels.

    Awesome post!

    1. Thank you, Natasha. My husband got Scrivener for me and I never could figure it out. My hat’s off to you there! It’s good to have options and I find that I’m in the mood for different things at different times. Thanks again for stopping by!

  3. Thank you for sharing tips! I don’t do specific boards for characters, settings, etc. I do have one for my books with teasers and links. I have a chat board with links from my blogs. I share handbags, television, movies, and treats on different boards. I’m about ready to do fixed up! which will show renovations on my house.

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