Next up in our introductions, we’ve have our new secretary, Katina Drennan.
Welcome, Katina!
Q. Please tell us a little bit about yourself. What drew you to writing?
A. I’ve always loved to read, so writing and language have always come easy to me. My first story idea came full blown after seeing a piece of jewelry in a magazine. At the time I had no idea what was proper or right, I just told the story the best way I knew how. I got a lot of interest in that story, but no sale. Years of study and commitment have helped me put method to my madness. That story remains one of those I plan to revisit with the unique perspective only writers get to indulge: If I knew then what I know now.
Q. Why is contemporary romance important to you?
A. I just really love the time we live in. How lucky are we to have all the modern conveniences, fast cars, airplanes, cell phones, and a romantic and sexual freedom. Even when I straddle into the past, it always seems to be a time travel, with one foot firmly in the contemporary world.
Q. How has the chapter helped you with your writing career?
A. I am inspired by the many successful authors in our chapter, many of whom have contributed their time and energy to present classes and share experiences. Writing is such a solitary venture, it’s important to establish relationships with other authors as a reality check, if nothing else!
Q. What does your position involve? What are some of your main roles?
A. As secretary, I record and post meeting minutes to our RWA archives and help to welcome new members to the group, and I have a vote on matters of importance to keeping the chapter strong and vital . This year, we have stepped up to help our members keep their memberships up to date by reminding them their membership is about to expire. This is really important, especially if a member is interested in holding office at some future date. RWA is working on a system to notify members about Chapter memberships coming up for renewal. Until then, I am doing what I can to give members a heads up before their membership expires.
Q. What are your goals for the chapter? What would you like to see happen over the next year?
A. I would like to do what I can to get more engagement in the group. A member doesn’t have to serve on the board to volunteer to keep the chapter vital and engaging. I love the idea of revitalizing our crit group and making the Stiletto Contest the GOTO contest among the chapters!
A. I try to balance my time in the chair in front of the computer with getting myself outdoors. I am a rabid bicyclist and my husband and I try to get two or three bicycle adventures in a year. Our next trip will be to the big island of Hawaii, where we’ll ride the entire perimeter and visit the volcanoes. Last October, we rode from Seattle to Mt. Rainier, Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Hood. My other great love is cooking and I try to incorporate that into my stories when I can.
Thank you, Katina, for all of your hard work and dedication to the chapter!