The Contemporary Romance Chapter of the Romance Writers of America is accepting proposals for workshops for any time during the 2015 or early 2016 membership years. We are interested in workshops in ALL possible topics that fall under the following broad categories:
- Genre – all types of contemporary romantic fiction
- Craft
- Plotting
- Character development
- Writing Romance
- Story structure
- Planning/writing sequels/series
- Category Romance
- Deep POV
- Marketing/Social Media/branding
- Queries/Synopses/Pitching
- The Business Side of Writing
- Blogging
- Self-publishing
All our classes occur on-line, via a private Yahoo loop or website forum. Classes can range in length from 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks, or more. The chapter splits the proceeds of each class 50/50 with the instructor.
Please submit all proposals to CRW VP of Programs, Lisa Siefert at: lisalisalisalisalisa AT gmail DOT com with the following information listed in the body of the email:
- Name of Instructor:
- Email of Instructor:
- Title/Brief Description of Workshop:
- Bio:
- Months/Dates you are available to teach the course:
- How long would your workshop be? For example, 1 day, 1 week, 2 weeks, etc.
Thank you for considering RWA-Contemporary Romance!
***Permission to forward granted.***
On September 4 I signed up for the “To Tell the Truth class. It has been confirmed with face payment was received. I have not received notification or anything yet about this class from your organization.
How do I sign up for Marie Force’s Class 5/26 to 6/2 on Indie Publishing. I am a member of the Yosemite Romance Writers in Fresno and what is the cost?
Hi Sandra – the payment and cost info is on the Events page of our website just below the workshop description. 🙂