President’s Letter
From the writing desk of Nicole R. Locker
Dear CRW Members,
I’m excited to share some upcoming events and programs coming up for March, so keep reading further to learn what’s happening for CRW coming up!
New Members
Please join me in extending a big, warm welcome to our newest members of CRW:
- Susan W Green
- Stacy Shank
- Lisa Rowland
- Suzanne Smith
- Deborah Fitch
- Janie Gordon
- Pat Bruce
- Amy Abramowitz
- Janet Burnett
Please be sure to join our next New Member Welcome meeting to find out what CRW offers and ask any questions you may have about your new membership.
Sunday, April 9, 2023 – 4:00 p.m. ET | 3:00 p.m. CT | 2:00 p.m. MT | 1:00 p.m. PT
Add to your Google Calendar
March Writing Challenge

Be sure to join in on the monthly Writing Challenge. You set your own word count goal for the month and report your new word counts at the interval of your choosing (daily, weekly, hourly, etc.). We’ll tally the overall goal at the end of the month, but you can see the progress as updates are reported throughout the month. Encourage other members to hit their goals and get encouragement from them!
Click here for more information and to get signed up for March.
2023 Stiletto Contest Opens March 1

If you wrote or published a contemporary romance book in 2022, enter it in the annual Stiletto Contest, opening March 1. Click here for details.
Spring Mentor Program

On March 1, applications will open for the Spring Mentor Program, and we encourage all who can participate to apply.
REQUEST A MENTOR: If you are an unpublished or under-published author who would like to apply for a mentorship, please submit your application here.
BE A MENTOR: If you are an experienced author (self-publishing, traditional publishing, hybrid) and you’d be willing to spend a little time across an 8-week period helping a newer author, please submit your application here.
We will match mentees and mentors by mid-march and email you with information on who you are paired with. Thank you in advance to all who participate!
In-Person Writing Retreat
For anyone interested in joining your fellow CRW members at an in-person writing retreat this year, please fill out our Interest Form. We will use the responses from this form to determine the date and location of this year’s in-person retreat, and look forward to seeing you there!
Join the CRW Accountability Group
With the new year comes a new emphasis on goals and how we work to reach them. If you haven’t already, come join the CRW Accountability Group, led by CRW Member Tanya Agler.
Call for 2023 Virtual Conference Session Proposals/Sponsors/Door Prizes
CRW is currently taking submissions for Session Proposals, Conference Sponsorships, and Door Prizes for the 2023 CRW Virtual Conference. If you’re interested in any or all of these, we’ve linked to them below.
Want to be a Conference Speaker?
Become a 2023 Conference Sponsor
Donate a Conference Door Prize
New! CRW Merch Store
Hop on over the the CRW Merch Store to see our new CRW branded T-Shirts. Share photos in our Facebook Group when you get yours and put it on!

Coming Up in 2023…
Here are a few things to look forward to this year as a CRW Member!
- March 1 – 31: Stiletto Contest
- March 1: Fall Mentor Program (applications March 1-14, working in pairs March 15-May 10)
- July: Camp NaNoWriMo
- July 29 – 30: 2023 CRW Virtual Conference
- September 1: Spring Mentor Program (applications September 1-14, working in pairs September 15-November 10)
- October 1 – 15: Taking Nominations for 2024 Board Elections
- October 16-31: 2024 Board Elections
- October 15: NaNoWriMo Group Opens
- November 1 – December 10: A Novel Celebration submissions open
Writing Sprints
Join in on our CRW-led writing sprints. We share reminders in the member Facebook Group and Slack.
Every Tuesday: 9am ET | 8am CT | 7am MT | 6am PT
Sprints with Tanya on Zoom
Every Wednesday: 5:30am ET | 4:30am CT | 3:30am MT | 2:30am PT
Sprints with Cheryl on Zoom
Every Thursday: 1:00pm ET | 12pm CT | 11am MT | 10am PT
Sprints with Nicky on Zoom
Every Friday: 11am ET | 10am CT | 9am MT | 8apm PT
Sprints with Dayna on Zoom
Every Saturday: 12pm ET | 11am CT | 10am MT | 9am PT
Sprints with Michelle on Zoom
Want to run sprints at a different day/time? Let us know!
Upcoming Workshops
Invest in your own growth as a writer this year! Here is the lineup of workshops we have for February 2023. Members attend at a discounted price!
Workshop Track | CRW Member Price | Non-Member Price |
General Track (Craft, Business) | $20 CRW Member | $30 Non-Member |
Advanced Track | $30 CRW Member | $40 Non-Member |
Members Only | FREE for CRW Members | N/A |

Do I Have Your Pinterest? with Cassandra Carr
Cassandra Carr

Theme, Trope, and Premise Make a Novel
Zara West

Writing the Romantic Novella
Catherine Chant

Twitter Pitching
Mariah Ankenman
Member New Releases
Have a new release? Share it on our site and in an upcoming Member Newsletter here, and be sure to take a look at all the new books from CRW members published in 2023.

Author: Christi Barth
Release Date: February 2, 2023
Author Website:

Author: Claire Marti
Release Date: February 9, 2023
Author Website:

Author: Jessica Roberts
Release Date: February 14, 2023
Author Website: