17 thoughts on “2022 Virtual Writing Conference”

  1. Hi, Mel. I registered for the conference. But I don’t think I registered for the MC. Can you please tell me if I did and if I need to pay… sorry for the trouble. kathy

    1. Melanie Greene

      If anyone else has this problem, email me ( conference @ contemporaryromance .org ) so I can get the work done on my end so you can re-register with the ticket you wanted!

  2. I’m all registered! But I won’t be able to attend most of the weekend due to other obligations. Will the workshops be available for later replay to attendees?

    1. Melanie Greene

      Yes, all but one session (& the master class) will be recorded for replay and available to view for one month.

  3. I’m also having problems. When I click “Show order summary,” I can see just the bottom edge of words and there is no way to get to those words or the box to “Enter Promo Code.”

  4. Hi, I’m trying to figure out if I’ve already registered for this con. When I try to register now, it doesn’t give me any fields in the show order summary to put a discount code. When I click continue, I just get terms and conditions and won’t let me click register. The field is gray. Any ideas about what’s going on and what I should or shouldn’t do? Thanks!

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