Ground Your Readers From Page One

2021 September | Craft

WHEN: September 1, 2021 – September 30, 2021 via GroupsIO

Course Description:

Grounding your readers instantly, from page one and on, is necessary to making sure your readers are invested from the start. It’s easy to forget to include details that keep your readers locked into the story. 

This applies to establishing where we are, when we are, who we are with, and why. And guess what? You have to do this at the start of every new scene and chapter in your book. 

Writing multiple POVs? Then you’ll want to apply the methods from this workshop more than ever to make sure you readers know who they are following in this story. Use tips from developmental editor and book coach, Katie McCoach, to ground your readers and keep them invested from page one!

About the Instructor:

Katie McCoach is a Los Angeles-based developmental editor and book coach who’s been helping authors grow their best stories since 2012. Many of her writers have gone on to land publishing deals, and several of her indie authors have won awards. She is a founding editor of Revise & Resub (RevPit), an annual contest for emerging writers. 

Facebook: Katie McCoach Editorial + Writing with Coach McCoach
Twitter: @katiemccoach
Instagram: @kmeditorial
