Validate Your Book Idea (Before You Start Writing or Pitching)

2021 June | Business

WHEN: June 6, 2021 – 4PM Eastern/3PM Central/1PM Pacific via Zoom

Course Description:

Many of us draft our book and then try to craft a pitch/blurb that makes the story sound as fabulous as we believe it to be. But have you ever found yourself trying so hard to make the elements of your book sound sellable and you just wish the agent/editor could read your entire book first? Then they would know how great it is. 

Except, that’s not how publishing works. And whether your plan is to pitch agents/editors or self-publish, having a book that screams “READ ME” is the key to selling and capturing readers. And yes, you can always craft a strong blurb, but a good blurb doesn’t account for a book that fails to connect to your reader once they dive in. A good blurb doesn’t help if it’s misleading, or once an agent sees the synopsis proves the story fizzles out. 

Plus, wouldn’t it be great if you had a way to validate your book idea BEFORE your started writing (or at least before revising without knowing why or what you are revising)?  

In this workshop, developmental editor and book coach, Katie McCoach, leads writers through systems that will validate your book idea so you aren’t wandering around with a complete manuscript realizing it’s not attracting agents or readers and you need to rewrite the entire darn thing again. 

About the Instructor:

Katie McCoach is a Los Angeles based developmental editor and book coach who’s been helping authors grow their best stories since 2012. Many of her writers have gone on to land publishing deals, and several of her indie authors have won awards. She is a founding editor of Revise & Resub (RevPit), an annual contest for emerging writers. 

Facebook: Katie McCoach Editorial + Writing with Coach McCoach

Twitter: @katiemccoach

Instagram: @kmeditorial
