WHEN: August 1, 2022 – August 31, 2022 via GroupsIO
Course Description:
Looking for a way to add conflict and suspense to your novel, chapters, and scenes? Then this workshop is for you. Whether you are a plotter or a pantser, you can apply this easy-to-use technique as you draft, during revision of your WIP, and even as a way to break through writer’s block.
In this workshop you will learn how to read your novel’s heartbeat like a surgeon. We will look at ways to visually map out your characters’ actions and reactions, follow their emotional highs and lows and in doing so create tension and conflict that flows through scenes, across chapters and unifies the entire novel.
- Lesson 1: Electrifying Conflict
- Lesson 2: Discovering Dilemmas, Decisions, and Problems Galore!
- Lesson 3: Charging the Heartbeat of a Scene
- Lesson 4: Stirring the Lifeblood of the Characters
- Lesson 5: Mapping the Highs and the Lows of Your Story
- Lesson 6: Breathing Life into the Whole Creation
- Lesson 7: Flushing Out Writer’s Block
- Lesson 8: Zigging and Zagging Your Way Through Your Writing Life.
About the Instructor:
Fascinated by history, fantasy, and romance, Joan Koster blends those passions into historical novels about forgotten women and romantic thrillers. Under the pen name, Zara West, she has published the award-winning romantic suspense series The Skin Quartet.
Joan loves mentoring writers. Her top-selling Write for Success series covers fast drafting, revision, research, and power language with tips and tricks for all writers.
Joan blogs at ZaraWestRomance.com, JoanKoster.com, Women Words and Wisdom, American Civil War Voice, and Zara West’s Journal and has taught numerous online writing courses.