2020 Stiletto Contest
The Stiletto Contest celebrates and recognizes excellence
in the contemporary romance genre for published and unpublished novels.
The Contemporary Romance Writers Chapter focuses on the contemporary romance genre and the Stiletto Contest upholds our chapter goal of bringing awareness to the best work by authors and writers in contemporary romance.
The 2020 Stiletto Contest is now closed – good luck to our entrants!
Contest closes on April 10, 2020.
The Stiletto has published and unpublished divisions for several categories of contemporary romance. See below for categories, and for the final-round judges for the unpublished division. Also, our first round judge signup – please note all entrants are required to judge.
Read the rules and entry requirements for the 2020 Stiletto Contest here. (Update 3-29-20: entrants may now enter more than once.)
Categories for the 2020 Stiletto Contest:
Contemporary Romance Novella – 20-40,000 word count
Contemporary Romance Short – 41-55,000 word count
Contemporary Romance Mid-Length – 56-80,000 word count
Contemporary Romance Long – 81,000+ word count
Contemporary Romantic Suspense
Contemporary Erotic/BDSM Romance
Contemporary Young Adult and New Adult
Women’s Fiction/Chick-Lit/Cozy Mysteries
The Contemporary Romance Writers Chapter is grateful to have the following publishers and agents on board to judge the 2020 Stiletto Contest Unpublished Division:
Wild Rose Press
Tule Publishing
Entangled Publishing LLC
Creative Media Agency
DeFiore and Company
3 Seas Literary Agency
First round judge sign up:
Bloggers, we need your help. We’ll soon be contacting you to sign up to judge the published division of the Stiletto Contest or you can find more information here.
If you have questions about the Stiletto Contest, please email the Contest Chair.