Blog For Us
Interested in contributing a guest post for the Contemporary Romance Writer’s Blog? We’d love to have you! All chapter members, published and not yet published, are welcome to contribute.
Word Count: Posts should be between 500 -750 words, but exceptions can be made.
Author Bio: Please include a headshot and bio of 50 -100 words. You may include a link to your website homepage or blog and mention books you’ve published. Any links to Amazon or other places to buy your books will be removed. We are unable to post book covers.
Submission Procedure: Please send blog post, bio and headshot to melissadespina AT gmail DOT com one week prior to the scheduled post date.
Suggested Topics
Need help coming up with a topic? Here are some examples to inspire you.
1. Craft: see example
2. Industry: see example
3. Inspiration / Life as a Writer: see example
4. Marketing / Promotion / Social Media: see example
5. Member Spotlight: see example
See suggested list of topics for 2016, grouped by month, here.
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