Harlequin Presents Pitch Contest Results!

Many thanks to everyone who participated in the pitch contest with Harlequin Presents editors Pippa Roscoe & Carly Byrne! And a huge thanks to both Pippa and Carly, as well as Caroline, for visiting us and offering such a great opportunity!

From Pippa & Carly:

We were so excited to receive such an incredible amount of entries to this pitch competition. 77 submissions in two days is incredible and every single one should be proud of their fabulous work creating exciting, action packed and emotional openings. Safe to say you certainly didn’t make choosing the top five easy on us! The quality of writing and thought that went into all these openings was truly impressive. So whether you made it through to the top five or not, we would absolutely encourage you all to submit to this years’ So You Think You Can Write competition, or if you would rather go straight to the source, then do look at our website (harlequin.com) for submission details.

And the Winners Are….

  • Laurie Hoffman, Home Field
  • Tamara Lush, At the Billionaire’s Command
  • Mageela Troche, Scandalous Billionaire’s Baby
  • Vivian Conroy, Raven and the Wolf
  • Andrea M Hutchinson, The Surgeon’s Secret


 The five winning entries should use the directions listed below for their submission: 

1. Email the below items/information in a single attachment to our VP of Communicaitons, Abigail Owen: abigail.owen.books@gmail.com. She will collate them and send on to Pippa & Carly.

In your attachment include:

  • Your original contest information (Author’s Name, Book Title, Word Count, Blurb)
  • Your relevant contact information (especially email address) so that Carly and Pippa can contact you directly with your feedback!
  • 2-3 Chapters
  • 1-Page Synopsis

2. Put “HARLEQUIN PITCH CONTEST WINNER” in the subject of your email.

3. Winners have 48 hours (until 10am EST, Sunday, June 21st) to send your submissions to Abigail.

4. Tuesday, June 23rd each of the 5 finalists will receive a personalized response and critique of their work.


Congratulations and best of luck! 



6 thoughts on “Harlequin Presents Pitch Contest Results!”

  1. Ooh! what fun & excitement ladies! Super Congratulations!!!Tamara, Andrea, Mageela, Laurie, and Vivian! on your win! Got get ’em! :)))

    Everyone else, go for it! and submit the regular way, and also don’t forget SoYouThinkYouCanWrite ’15!

    Love! Love! Love! all the opportunities out there! Thank you to everyone for your stories!

  2. Wow, what a great surprise to see this. Good luck to Laurie, Mageela Vivian and Andrea! And thanks to Pippa and Carly for their time — and to the good people at Contemporary Romance!

  3. Good luck to you too Vivian! Good luck to Laurie, Tamara and Mageela! I couldn’t quite believe it when I saw my name.
    And a big thank you for this great opportunity!

  4. Pingback: Pitch Contest With Harlequin Presents Editors Carly Byrne and Pippa Roscoe | Contemporary Romance

  5. Super excited to be one of the five chosen!

    Good luck to Laurie, Tamara, Mageela and Andrea!

    And thanks again to Pippa and Carly for their time and enthusiasm, and to Abigail for coordinating everything!

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