The Contemporary Romance Writers Chapter is thrilled to have Peter Senftleben, Associate Editor at Kensington Books, here today to share his expertise on contemporary romance! Please pull up a chair and get a pen and paper, because you’re going to want to take notes on the awesome and useful advice Peter has laid out here for writers at all levels. Afterward, stick around for Q&A with Peter. Post your questions as a comment and he’ll be available to answer.Â
Peter Senftleben is an associate editor at Kensington Books, where he is managing his own varied and distinguished list. He joined Kensington in 2006 after sharpening his editorial skills and red pencil while working at literary agencies. A graduate of Tulane University with a degree in chemical engineering and math (yes, math), Peter occasionally indulges the numbers side of his brain with a challenging Sudoku puzzle or by baking, but he can more often be seen watching trashy television shows.
Peter is currently acquiring many types of fiction; his interests include: mysteries, thrillers, psychological suspense, literary commercial fiction, all subgenres of romance at all heat levels, gay fiction, horror, and new adult. Peter is often drawn to quirky, offbeat projects with distinctive voices, stunning writing, realistic characters, and stories that will make him LOL (literally), cry in public, scare the bejeezus out of him, or engage him so deeply that he skips meals. He does not want to see anything with terrorists of any kind.
by Abigail Owen
CR: What do you think a great contemporary romance must have?
PS: For me, it’s not that different from other romance subgenres. I want characters who have great chemistry, whom I like and want to see together, and who face realistic obstacles, either internally or externally. I still see a lot of romances where the things keeping the main couple apart feel forced and/or easily overcome, and that doesn’t make for a very interesting story to me. I’m also a sucker for sharp banter, but that depends on the tone of the book. I love when I’m nearing the end of a romance and I start to believe that there’s no way this couple will end up together—even though I know they will; if you can make their black moments so deep and dark that I question a happy ending, it makes the resolution so much sweeter.
CR: What influences your decision to read a submission most (ex. topic, a great query letter, synopsis, it varies)?
PS: The query letter is still very important because I just don’t have the time to read even a few pages of every submission I get. (Some agents and editors differ on this, so make sure to check submission guidelines!) For contemporary romance especially, I hope to see some sort of hook in the query that will set it apart from all of the others that are already on the shelf, on my list, or about to come out. I also like to get a sense of the voice, if possible, and the conflict(s) the characters will face.
CR: What are the most common mistakes you see in submissions?
PS: Most often, the mistakes are technical: head hopping, tense switching, grammar. I also see a lot of stories that have no real conflict, or the stakes are so low that it feels like there’s no conflict. And that leads to a boring read, which no one wants. Another frequent issue is stilted dialogue, which is especially noticeable in contemporaries.
CR: Is there anything about a story itself likely to turn you off on a manuscript, even if the mechanics are quite good?
PS: For a romance, there are a lot of clichés or overused plot devices. It’s one thing to consciously, purposefully tackle a trope from another angle, but it’s another if I can predict everything about it. That’s a sign of an author who hasn’t read widely in the genre, which is very important in setting oneself apart. Outside of that, there are things that are simply distasteful (on the page rape, child abuse, that kind of thing) and will turn me off. (Coincidentally, that might also be connected to not being well-read and knowing what flies and what doesn’t.) I have personal taste quirks, too, like alphahole heroes; I understand how readers can like them, but they’re not for me. Ditto anything religious and preachy; Christian and inspirational romance is a huge category, but that’s not what I enjoy.
CR: What is a typical day in the life of editor, Peter Senftleben?
PS: Email, email, email, Twitter, email, meeting, sign off on stuff, email, Twitter, email. LOL
Seriously, there’s really no typical day. A lot of it is spent doing whatever needs to be done to meet the next deadline: write an art sheet, fill out a title information sheet, put a manuscript into production, review revisions, look at copyedited manuscripts, tweak cover copy, provide information to other departments. Most of the day is answering emails from agents and authors—managing everything that’s going on—and meeting in-house about different aspects of the books. Today I got to choose a model for a cover photo shoot. There is almost NO actual editing, or even reading, done in the office unless I’m lucky and have some free time. So I read submissions on the subway to and from work, often for a little bit at home at night, and edit at home on the weekend.
CR: Do contests and/or conferences result in a lot of contracts for you? Or is it about the same as standard submissions via email?
PS: No, unfortunately, they don’t. I’ve only signed four authors I’ve met at conferences, in the eight years I’ve been going. I always hope to find more, though! I haven’t done the math, but comparing in-person pitches to unsolicited queries, it might be a similar percentage.
CR: What are the best and worst parts of your job?
PS: The best part for me is working with writers to make their work even better. I get immense satisfaction from helping authors polish their books. The worst is seeing books that I absolutely love either get bad reviews or not sell well. It can be very frustrating when an account carries so few copies of a book that it’s nearly impossible for readers to even find it.
CR: Before acquisition, how important is a writer’s platform to you? To publishing houses?
PS: For fiction, it’s not that important. Of course, it helps if an author is a known name or has some expertise in an aspect of what she writes, but I’m not going to turn down a great project simply because an author is new and doesn’t have an established audience already. There’s plenty of time between acquisition and publication to cultivate an online presence. It’s much more important with non-fiction, though.
CR: What is on your wish list of story types to acquire at the moment?
PS: I’ve been on a suspense/thriller/mystery kick lately. I’m also interested in more romantic suspense, too. I really want to see more romances, either contemporary or historical, in a unique setting. Contemps with non-white characters would be great, too, as would more LGBT romance—but I’m very picky about the portrayal of any minority characters.
CR / PS: Goofy Speed Round (Try to limit each answer to 1 word only.):
- What turns you on? Wordplay 🙂
- What turns you off? A lot!
- What is your favorite word? Please
- What is your least favorite word? P***y (the synonym for cat)
- What sound or noise do you love? Rain (or the ocean)
- What sound or noise do you hate? Loud talkers
- What profession other than yours would you like to attempt? Pastry chef
- What profession other than yours would you NOT like to attempt? Sky dive instructor
- What is your favorite swear word? All of them strung together!
- What is your favorite food? Lasagna, pizza, sesame chicken, nachos, cheese, chocolate. Not all strung together.
Thank you so much for stopping by Peter, we really appreciate it and hope you’ll come back soon!
Now, let’s bring on the Q&A. Writers, post your questions for Peter as a comment and he’ll be available to answer.Â
Hi Peter –
I realize this is an old thread, but you say above that you are interested in m/m romance but not YA. So who would be the best editor at Kensington to submit a YA m/m romance?
Hi, Peter, in case you check back! I was having a whirlwind tour of Orlando this weekend. Thanks for your time and interview – and tell me you have a good sesame chicken recipe?
Hi Abigail,
My best sesame chicken recipe is Chinese delivery. 🙂 I’m horrible at cooking any Asian dishes; the flavors never come out right.
Hi Peter – great interview, Just a quick question – are you currently accepting any new material from propsective authors? I’ve had two books published by Wild Rose Press this year, with another due out 9/23/15. and two more in 2016. I am looking to continue working with them but also trying to broaden my horizons with other publishers. I write contemporary romance with a tiny bit of suspense mixed in – not enough to call it real romantic suspense. Thanks for replying. PJaeger.
Hi Peggy!
We are accepting new submissions. Our guidelines are on our website at
Hi Peter,
Go Green wave! (Sorry had to throw that in there.)
I’m a contemporary/paranormal romance author, but I’ve always wanted to try writing Horror.
What horror books/movies would you suggest reading/watching to get a good feel for the kind of horror you are looking for?
Hi Dawn!
One of my recent releases is LITTLE GIRLS by Ronald Malfi. I also really liked BIRD BOX by Josh Malerman. I’m looking for more creepy than violent. I haven’t really seen many great horror movies lately but The Conjuring was good. I’m always looking for recommendations!
Sorry, should have checked my own submission for errors.
Great interview!
I wonder when you started in this business, did you have more time for reading submissions?
And I how often is your name misspelled?! Query letter check number one!
Thanks for the fantastic insight.
Hi Jillian!
I did have much more time tell read submissions when I first started. But as my own author list has grown, they obviously take priority in my reading queue.
Nobody ever spells my name wrong! Lol.
Good Evening, Peter. I enjoyed your interview. How important is it to still have an agent in the changing publishing world today? I know slush piles must be getting bigger and yet, I’ve been to conferences where agents say don’t dream of getting on with big publishers. I have to say when I hear that, I really don’t submit to those agents. Still, with so many writers trying to grab the brass ring of a publisher like Kensington, don’t we still need agents? Thank you.
Hi Nan!
We still accept unagented submissions, so it’s not completely necessary. But most publishers don’t, and that’s where agents are helpful, to broaden your options. Agents are also great as career managers and can guide you through your choices regarding traditional or hybrid publishing.
Hey, Peter. Thanks so much for stopping by the blog! I’m a contemporary romance author who started out writing YA. However, my adult contemporary romance career has me so busy I don’t have time to write an entire YA book on spec anymore. Do you ever consider a proposal if it’s a detailed synopsis and the first three chapters? I have a John Green/Rainbow Rowell/Jojo Moyes (if she wrote YA- why doesn’t she write YA?!) style story I’m excited about. Oh- I should have thrown Liane Moriarty in the mix- another great influence and author hero of mine. Thanks 🙂
Hi Karen!
I rarely buy projects on partial, usually only if I’m familiar with the author’s work so that I can be sure they’ll deliver through the end. There have been some exceptions, though, some with better results.
However, I’m not acquiring YA, so that situation wouldn’t be for me.
Thanks for taking time to be on the blog today! Insightful interview! I’ve got some questions:
Your wishlist includes historical romance in unique settings.
Would you consider medieval outside the usual Britain/Ireland scope, with a heroine in unique profession?
Also, would 75K be OK for word count?
Fun question: is there a favorite candy you eat while editing? Mine (right now; it varies!) is sour ribbons, especially the red ones.
Thanks again for your time!
Hi Viv!
I’m pretty picky about historical romances so medieval isn’t my thing personally. But it could be good for another Kensington editor. 75k should be fine.
I don’t really eat while I edit. I’m more of a coffee drinker.